搜索 Garvey

  • Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr., was a Jamaican political leader, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator who was a staunch proponent of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements, to which end he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL).[ He founded the Bl…
  • The film follows the story of a famous fictional stand-up comedian Manny Lewis, who connects with millions of fans but finds it hard to connect to one person. Manny struggles to overcome his sense of alienation and shyness, and a difficult relationship with his father, in a romantic and feel-good quest for the love of …
  • Spudmonkey is a contemporary comedy about a pizza delivery boy who achieves his dream of drumming in a successful rock band only to be replaced by computerized drums.
  • A tender story about 11-year old Lou and her befuddled grandfather. After her father walks out and grandfather Doyle comes to stay, Lou discovers the healing power of love.
  • 《海伯利安》改编自丹·西蒙斯(Dan Simmons)的原著系列小说,这部被誉为“太空歌剧”的著名小说,讲述了未来世界——公元2700年,地球已被毁灭,人类移民到了其他星球,成立了一个名为“霸主”的宇宙政府组织。霸主为了抵御驱逐者,召集了六男一女和一个婴儿组成“朝圣团” ,前往“海伯利安”朝圣,在那里他们遇到了“伯劳”的杀戮……
  • 青年警探约翰尼•摩根(Andrew Cymek 饰)童年的记忆中曾留下难以磨灭的阴影,儿时在玩捉迷藏时,姐姐被当时声名狼藉的连环杀手“大坏狼”虏去,从此下落不明。这段记忆形成了折磨约翰尼多年的噩梦,为了抓住大坏狼,一度自甘堕落的他发奋图强,终于成为一名警察。某天,消失已久的大坏狼再次作案,约翰尼和朋友深入虎穴,最终捉住了这个臭名昭…
  • 一名年轻人工作在城市的地下储藏工厂,他发现了一起命案的证据,他发誓要将凶手绳之于法。
  • 短篇恐怖故事的选集。