搜索 Glauber

  • A fisherman makes a pact with a strange woman (death?) that turns him into a miracle maker.
  • 巴西电影大师Glauber Rocha在1968年拍摄的圣保罗街头大游行,青年人的反抗独裁暴乱,导致了上百的人死伤,当时作为导演兼新闻记者的罗查与好友巴西著名摄影师Affonso Beato走上街头,用16mm摄影机记录下了那令人震撼的时刻,影片并没有录制声音.
  • This film shows people with constant psychological and social conflicts: the violence among outlaws, conflicts between man and woman, police and society.
  • Portrait of 100 years of latin american cinema.This movie, Enredando sombras, is a medly of short-lenght movies which gives 12 different director's perspectives about latin american cinema. His part is called Jugando en Serio (Playing seriously) which explains the difficulties and joys of movie making.It's really good,…
  • 《变幻的风》是巴西新电影大师GLAUBER ROCHA在其23岁时拍的处女作。故事讲述青年科塔回到家乡 - 位于巴西北部巴伊亚州海边的一个小渔村,发现这里的渔民都在为一个庞大的以白人为主的渔业公司工作,并完全依赖于公司所提供的设备,却没意识到传统的捕鱼技术正在逐渐消亡。接受过新思想的科塔感到愤怒,他不相信村民是心甘情愿地为高高在上的白人…
  • 故事发生在一个虚构的国家埃尔拉多,整个国家充满着政治势力的相互争斗,这一切都被长期努力挖掘政治腐败的理想主义诗人兼记者保罗马丁斯看在眼里,他试图想通过民主选举来改变国家的苦难和那些社会的不公正,他为保守党候选人献计献策,但一些他无法理解的政治交易,使他转投支持另一政党自由党,两位参选的候选人都曾是他的朋友,然而获胜的一…
  • Documentary about Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha, one of the most important names in the movement called "Cinema Novo", with interviews with some of his friends and colleagues.The film was banned for years by Glauber's family, since it includes scenes of Glauber's funeral. While alive, Glauber was victim o…
  • In a castle, somewhere in the Thirld World, Diaz is delirious, dreaming of the power he had in Eldorado, while oppressing the indians, workers and peasants. He is well aware of the menace his old victims represent, while a miracle-making shepherd fascinates and frightens him. Diaz finds a countrywoman, symbol of purity…
  • 《光芒》是罗查居住在意大利罗马时,与当时的情人法国女演员Juliet Berto和好友意大利先锋戏剧导演Carmelo Bene合作完成的一部纯即兴影片,完全没有剧本,只有一个大概的主题,任由演员在街上随意表演,观众同时也是影片的参与者。《光芒》被认为是罗查所有影片中最即兴也是最实验的一部作品。http://www.tempoglauber.com.br…
  • 巴西导演葛劳贝-罗查在1971-1972年流亡古巴的一段时期,与当时ICAIC的一些电影人成为朋友并在他们的帮助下继续自己的创作。本片由罗查的儿子Eryk Rocha导演,回忆一位世界级的电影大师与70年代巴西新浪潮和古巴革命电影两个拉美最重要的电影运动。Best Documentary in 7th E Tudo Verdade 2002Best Movie in Cine…