搜索 Héctor

  • 随着圣诞临近,圣诞老人不得不与北极正在融化的事实抗争,并要找到一种使节日摆脱资本主义性质的方法。
  • 治疗监狱犯人心理障碍的医生威利斯从囚犯屈克斯处获悉了一笔巨款的下落,不料被隔壁牢房的囚犯莱尔等人偷听到了这个秘密。马文协助莱尔越狱后将一枚炸弹搁在威利斯的家中,企图炸死威利斯后瓜分这笔巨款。机敏的威利斯躲过劫难后来到藏钱地点婕希的家中,引出了一场不小的麻烦。而因听错门牌号码的莱尔等人则闯入了婕希的邻居诺姆家里。一场闹剧…
  • 电影
    Chile's 2009 Academy Awards official submission to Foreign-Language Film category.Santiago de Chile, 1978.In the midst of the tough social context of Pinochets dictatorship, Raúl Peralta, a man in his fifties, is obsessed with the idea of impersonating Tony Manero, John Travoltas character in Saturday Night Fever.Raúl …
  • "Out of the Darkness" is a gripping thriller telling the true story of the hunt and capture of David Berkowitz, a.k.a. "Son of Sam" - the infamous serial killer who stalked New York City in the 1970s.
  • 根据陀思妥耶夫斯基的《地下室手记》改编的电影,由阿根廷新浪潮著名女剧作家Beatriz Guido改编。1982年奥斯卡最佳外语片阿根廷官方参赛片。Basada en la novela homónima de Fiódor Dostoievski, esta historia enmarcada en los conflictos sociales y políticos de la Argentina de lo…
  • 一个凶残的家庭妇女在一个外星人身上复活了,同时一个不太幸福的已婚男同性恋被恶魔侵占了身体后变成了僵尸。他们两个到处破坏,在这个情况下2个警察必须反败为胜。
  • The 'Three Tales by Borges' puts in oral form three texts by the famous Argentinian writer, published in 1975 : 'El otro', 'El disco' and 'El libro de arena'. Three supernatural tales where eternity items are being traded and, within easy reach, put our time, image and language landmarks in jeopardy.
  • In the third month of pregnancy, Federica finds out that the baby she's expecting doesn't share her DNA. She goes to the clinic where she underwent an In Vitro Fertilization treatment and they acknowledge they made a mistake by exchanging her embryo with another couple's. The clinic identifies the woman into whom they …
  • 菲国首都马尼拉的梅莎车站地区,住有一群不容于世的社会底层者,在桥墩下生活的他们,过着与繁华都市截然不同的暗沉生活。铁道的发展和边缘社群形成幽微的隐喻关系,倾听视角表述着不同的生命情事与情感。贫穷、教育、健康、不公,社会问题多年无解,即便是微弱的存在,尊严仍来自于生活本身。
  • 电影