- 《维京传奇:英灵神殿》的背景设定在一千多年前的 11 世纪初期,记载了有史以来最著名的诸维京人物的冒险事迹:传奇探险家莱夫·埃里克松(山姆·科利特饰)、他脾气火爆而任性的妹妹弗蕾迪丝·埃里克斯多特(弗丽达·古斯塔夫松饰),还有野心勃勃的北欧王子哈拉尔·西居尔松(里奥·苏特饰)。第二季的故事情节发生在英雄们于卡特加特战败后不…
- The Story is set in a News office. There is a group of Antagonist and many Protagonists in the office. Lisa is a frustrated News writer/reporter waiting for her big break. Much to her annoyance all the bigger stories are given to other writers including Dan who has better family connections. Then Lisa's biggest story w…
- SUESUT was kicked out from his band by the reason that his image does not look Indy enough to be a member of a Pop Indy band. He decided to form a new band by himself brings JIM and TO as new members. Meanwhile SUESUT has a deal with his mom to keep on running the Bakery shop from his father if his mother lets him se…