搜索 HerbertLom

  • 故事发生在一间名为牙买加的海边客栈中,漂亮姑娘玛丽(玛琳·奥哈拉 Maureen O'Hara 饰)千里迢迢来到此地,探望她的姨妈,同时也是客栈老板娘佩西斯(Marie Ney 饰)。在途中,玛丽接受了一位名为汉弗莱(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)的男人的帮助,顺利到达了客栈。玛丽玩玩没有想到的是,佩西斯的客栈早已经成为了海盗们盘踞的窝巢,…
  • A man shows up at Kimberley Prescott's villa claiming to be her brother. But Ward Prescott died in a car accident a year ago, so how can this man be him? Despite Kim's protests that the stranger isn't her brother, everyone else accepts him, including their uncle. Kim begins to fear for her sanity and her life