搜索 Heyman

  • 电影
  • 1970年,Tamar 10岁。她被带去看望祖母时,进入了一个她什么都不明白的世界。Buba如此恐惧的是什么?为什么她房间里所有东西都被漆成红色?Tamar被吓到了,但随后她发现了一张10岁小女孩的照片,她开始以不同的眼光看Buba。
  • SYNOPSISWhen Christian Taylor, a writer on HBO’s wildly popular Six Feet Under, agrees to let a British Television crew follow him for a series about Brits working in Hollywood, he finds that his true calling may be in the glitz and glamou…
  • ECW(Extreme Championship Wrestling 极限冠军摔角),这个在摔角迷心中有着无上地位的摔角联盟,以其硬派凛冽的风格俘获一大批受够了慢吞吞虚假比赛的死忠。在WWF和WCW日渐沉沦、耽迷娱乐、搞笑怪圈之时,ECW则另辟蹊径,大走硬核路线:铁丝网、狼牙棒、扣钉、桌子、铁椅……各种凶器无所不用其极,使其每场秀都充满血腥暴力而又刺激畅快的气…
  • 本片通过记录一群易装癖菲律宾人,移民以色列去照顾犹太老人的故事,揭示了以色列政府非官方的接收非法劳工来代替巴勒斯坦工人的内情,同时展示了因为易装癖或性取向为家庭所不容的人们,和以色列那些老无所依的人们的情感生活。
  • Saar has never fulfilled his parents’ expectations. Ever since he defied the rules of his kibbutz and was barred from the settlement community seventeen years ago, as far as his family is concerned, he simply does not exist. He left Israel…
  • 红蓝大作战第七季
    Red vs. Blue: Recreation is the seventh season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and is part of the Recollection trilogy. Buried beneath the sand is the answer to a mystery more dangerous than anyone could possibly understand. It's the perfect mission for a bunch of ragtag soldiers who don't know what they're do…