搜索 Himanshu

  • 一个来自温哥华的正直硬汉,帕拉维,踏上了巴纳拉斯,他自称是嘎乔哈从小失散的哥哥。德哈拉姆和嘎乔哈父子俩也欣然接受了帕拉维,因为帕拉维强有力的肌肉有助于他们的更好的玩诈骗游戏。与此同时嘎乔哈爱上了萨赫巴,一个来自旁遮普的漂亮女孩。当他们的爱情正火热的时候,萨赫巴的哥哥来了并强行带走了她。帕拉维为了帮嘎乔哈赢回自己心爱的女…
  • 这是一个关于皮雅爱上了那个让她的梦想破灭的人的故事。皮雅爱上了舍可哈尔,从来没有意识到这会在她和舍可哈尔建立起一种很兴奋,很正式的关系,而舍可哈尔又一向坚信彼此信任,彼此独立才会彼此相爱。皮雅爱上舍可哈尔,也没有意识到舍可哈尔会有过去。这个过去要是说出来就会是种罪过。它是一次犯罪,一次能够挽救生命的罪行。这时,阿波海出…
  • 电影
    A celebrated author's story about a genetic experiment morphs into reality, when it is read by three strangers. Trapped in a room, the four discover that one of them must be killed to save the rest from an escaped undercover recruit.
  • 电影生活
  • 电影动作
    The film is a unique social comedy based in a small town of Uttar Pradesh directed by Hansal Mehta.
  • 电影
    A girl and a guy- it's love, it's real, it's romance. And, like all eternal romance it's.....
  • An innocent young man installs CCTV cameras for a living, and impulsively places one above the mirror of a beautiful dancer to watch her secretly. His gaze is chaste and he always shuts off the camera before he sees too much. But his employers have other ideas, as does a film director out to exploit the dancer for hims…
  • "Login" is a Hindi feature film about three different individuals and how the Internet and social networking sites affect their lives. True to its caption Connected online but disconnected in life, the film portrays how everyone is glued to Internet and hence getting away from their true selves.Going online a…
  • 佛陀
    佛陀Rajaon Ka Raja(号称佛陀——万王之王)是Zee TV和印度电视台的一部历史剧 该剧由B.K.莫迪出品 Spice Global公司冠名赞助 该剧制片人Ridwana Khan非常富有创造力 这部电视剧于2013年9月8日星期日上午11:00开始在Zee TV和印度电视台热播 Kabir Bedi担任主演 扮演宣告乔答摩佛陀到来的圣人 Asita Muni配演 剧中故事以佛陀的生…