- 随着武魂融合技的锋芒消散,切磋赛最终以唐舞麟所带领的一年级组获胜而告一段落。片刻宁静后,一年级生们的期末考试也如期而至。学院提出的种种难题令众人捉襟见肘,唐舞麟等人也不例外。他们使出了各自的看家本领,为通过考试,跌跌撞撞的踏上了明都之行……
- Have you ever done anything wrong? Alex has; relationships, sex, feminism, kids, even dancing. The only thing she's gotten right was writing a show about it. And losing her virginity. Where we want to be seen publicly to be good, nothing in life is black and white, and the grey part is a lot more fun.
- Bubbles' band "The Shitrockers" lands a European tour but gets kicked off, forcing them to busk. Randy is their roadie. Can Ricky and Julian save them from the streets of Prague?
- 在一架小型飞机坠毁后,四名土著儿童在哥伦比亚亚马逊丛林中失联、孤立无援。他们依靠祖先的智慧求生,而一场史无前例的救援任务也随之展开。 这部纪录片由奥斯卡奖得主奥兰多·冯·爱因西德尔执导,哥伦比亚导演豪尔赫·杜兰和英国裔秘鲁导演拉利·霍顿参与制作,从参与这场史诗级救援行动的人员 — 哥伦比亚军队、土著志愿救援人员和儿童的…