搜索 Ibarra

  • 电影恐怖
    After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim.
  • Apolinario dela Cruz, known as Hermano Puli, was shot and quartered on November 4,1841-three decades before the execution of the GOMBURZA. Among all of the Filipino heroes, Hermano Puli stands alone for leading the only revolt against the Spanish colonial government in the name of religious freedom. This film sheds lig…
  • Karl Vladimir Lennon J. Villalobos, aka Intoy, who is secretly in love with his friend Jenny, the most beautiful girl in the campus.Jenny is rich and quirky; Intoy is street-smart and ordinary.But this friendship is not simple, since Jenny has bestowed on Intoy some perks and privileges, including going to bed with her…
  • Set in the most unconventional and most upscale university campus, two young men will compete for the sole honor of being the Campus King.Ben Martinez has already won the title 3 times.Samuel Quirino is the new student who gets easily noticed and becomes the challenger for the title.When Sam becomes a tough competitor …
  • Ben&Sam
  • 墨西哥母亲玛格达勒娜在前往美墨边境寻找失踪儿子的路途中,遇到了不久前被美国驱逐出境的男子米格尔。玛格达勒娜寻子,而米格尔则希望能再见他母亲一面。在这混乱且充满未知的旅途中,两人结伴同行。
  • 主角耶利米的生財架生一頭牛和貨車給偷了。他找警察報案,其間發現一幫少年在密謀綁架一名少女Helena,而當中的密謀主腦就是村裏的富家子。貪污和貧窮、警察和無政府狀態,才是導演要講的故事。如果身為警察的審判者都貪污,正道何在?結果耶利米去教堂找神父,神父叫他找警察。耶利米說警察都找過,可是警察也勸他不要多事。神父叫他祈禱求神幫…
  • 电影导演奥斯卡与来自哈瓦那港口的一名工人发生了婚外情,这种关系使他们各自的婚姻陷入危机,这激起了电影导演内心的矛盾,并且他无力克服自己的矛盾。