搜索 Iréne

  • A health-resort where both the clients and the employees easily take their clothes off and have a litte fun is the setting of this hugely popular sex-comedy.
  • Keller, a painter, while at the ballet is impressed with the beauty of Nicole and sketches her head on the body of a nude model. When it is shown, it causes embarrassment to Nicole's husband, Walter, a diplomat whose career is threatened. Nicole decides to get a divorce to ease things. She sees Keller, who tries to mak…
  • Captain Ambrose comes from a long line of distinguished sailors...but is all too susceptible to seasickness. After the war, he buys himself a nautical command on shore; a decrepit amusement pier at the British resort town Sandcastle-on-Sea, whose prim town council has outlawed arcade games as a form of gambling! Runnin…
  • Simon,35岁,回到家中与父亲同住,结果两人都无法忍受对方。更糟糕的是Maurice伯伯和Mala伯母总是瞎参合,尤其是努力帮Simon找一个美丽的犹太小姑娘结婚。父亲死后,Simon遂了父亲的愿望把他葬在出生的乌克兰家乡。Simon发现自己的生活奇怪极了,偏执狂的 伯伯,唠叨不停地伯母,六岁的儿子,父亲的鬼魂和一只兔子,当然还有和他吵架的前妻。
  • Fascisti su Marte narra le vicende di un manipolo di camicie nere, comandato dal gerarca Barbagli, che nel maggio del 1939 parte alla conquista di Marte, "rosso pianeta bolscevico e traditor". Atterrati sul pianeta dopo l'impatto con un meteorite, gli "impavidi" militi del Duce si trovano a combatte…
  • Saverio Mazzacolli - young Roman lawyer who wants to build a tourist complex in Salerno. He has enough Ideas and relationships, but lack of funds. But a lot of money has Countess Raymonda, which looks forward Saverio. However, it is tricky and requires in exchange for financing the project with a high rate of interest …
  • 摩洛哥北部城市丹吉爾神秘又美麗,集東西多元文化於一身,連滾石樂隊與大作家田納西威廉斯都曾趨之若鶩,被其驚艷迷惑。德國音樂人Pia與Tom為尋找創作靈感涉足這片奇異國土,誰知靈感尚未找到,已在酒吧遇上美艷舞者Amira。Amira剛被家人趕走,三餐不繼,遇上來自德國的音樂人自然扭盡六壬要抓住最好時機。另一方面,單純的Pia卻以為來位陌生少…
  • 相爱多年的情侣Giulia和Chiara决定生养一个孩子,但是意大利的法律只允许异性恋夫妇生养孩子,于是她们需要前去荷兰完成这一过程。在等待的过程中,Chiara却发现自己患上了乳腺癌……