搜索 Irelan

  • 电视剧
    The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Productions Australia with Red Planet Pict…
  • Fatty Finn (Robin 'Pop' Ordell) is the six-year-old leader of a gang of kids in Woolloomooloo. They enter Fatty's pet goat Hector in the annual goat derby, but his rival Bruiser Murphy (Frank Boyd) lets the goat loose before the race. After a series of adventures, Fatty finds the runaway goat and persuades a friendly a…
  • Robert, a Canadian businessman depressed by a sense of failure of his personal and professional lives, attends an insurance convention in the US and inevitably has an affair with a woman there. He returns to his family in Montreal; his cold marriage to his wife Barbara and two sons ages 19 and 13. His family life conti…
  • 閏年就是每隔四年在二月多出一天,然而這樣卻違背了馬雅的曆法,因為如此一來,在一百二十年後,將多出整整一個月,也就是第13個月。2013年13月13日是被詛咒的世界末日,人間充斥暴力與血腥殺戮、所有人死於非命,人間煉獄即將來臨。唯有那些閏年出生的閏年之子得以逃過一劫。然而這些僥倖存活下來的人,他們要面對的是喪心病狂的活死人,要制服…
  • 在亚玛逊的热带丛林,有一个神秘的食人部落,这里的女人生性*荡粗野,男人则凶暴嗜杀,由酋长里伯暴力统治,他们生吞活食,嗜杀如命,狂情纵欲,这里蕴藏着丰富的天然黄金、钻石,为找到它们,希伯莱海盗格里克,杀人王凯特等疯狂掘金者各自带一队人踏进了恐怖丛林,丛林里各种毒虫猛兽,沼泽遍布,凶险万分。里伯对侵入领土的冒险者愤怒至及,…
  • Expensive interior designers of Los Angeles star in a reality series.請至youtube搜索觀看。
  • 'Pel' Pelham is a veteran carnival barker who's happily married and desperately wants a good education for his young son. With money borrowed from bookie Tony Lewis, he persuades Sapolio, a professional "starving man," to attempt to break his own world's record of 65 days without food. Pel, a natural promoter…