搜索 Isaac

  • 电影冒险
    影片讲述了二战时期伦敦的9岁男孩George(埃利奥特·赫弗南 饰)的史诗之旅,他的母亲Rita(西尔莎·罗南 饰)将他送到了安全的英国乡村。George不屈不挠,决心回到伦敦东部的Rita和外祖父Gerald(保罗·韦勒 饰)身边,于是他开始了一场冒险,却发现自己身处巨大的危险之中,而心烦意乱的Rita则在寻找她失踪的儿子。
  • Once America's Jewel, Sewer City sits on the edge of her toilet seat, as all citizens tremble in fear of the Sewer City Killer. This foul, possibly eternal serial killer, has taken a liking to coming up through the sewer pipes, and murdering people as the sit on the toilet. The Citizens are fed up, and Mayor Fred Tickl…
  • 电影剧情
  • 深夜一通电话惊醒了安娜。传来一个令所有父母惊恐的消息:她20岁的儿子,奥古斯特,从高楼上坠落下来了。安娜苦苦寻找儿子死因背后的隐情。她来到了事发的城市,必须解开奥古斯特生活的谜团,一点点收集导致这个残忍结局的线索。警察断定奥古斯特之死属于自杀,并送来安慰和慰问。始终无法接受她独子的离去,她努力克服对儿子疏远的愧疚感并住进…
  • 电影生活
    故事发生在20世纪50年代的英格兰,莉迪亚(荷丽黛·格兰杰 Holliday Grainger 饰)是生活在那里的一位非常平凡的主妇,在遭到丈夫的无情抛弃后,莉迪亚无奈之下和儿子查理开始了相依为命的拮据生活。因为家庭的原因,查理在学校里饱受欺凌,母子两人生活屡屡走入绝境。正当两人最绝望的时候,一位名为简(安娜·帕奎因 Anna Paquin …
  • THE FORMING is a film that looks at how fear forms within us. We focus on a man who is attacked by a dog as he runs in the park. After that, he finds himself dealing with some very strange occurrences in his home. Everything that follows seems to relate back to the fear he experienced during the dog attack. As he is fo…
  • Alex Montoya is a man who has fallen away from the Christian faith. He finds himself in a destructive relationship and in financial debt which causes him to become involved in various con jobs. Jacob, a wise and loving Christian man, offers Alex a better way to live his life in hopes of allowing Alex to change his ways…
  • 雷纳尔多·皮尔德拉·萨尔加多是一名来自卡塔赫纳的拳击手,他以打假拳为生:他在没有机会获胜的情况下战斗。有一天,布雷德出现了;一个渴望成为自己儿子的男孩。父子俩学会了共同生活。雷纳尔多找到了一个让他再次感到有用的人,布雷德学会了敬佩做出牺牲的父亲,而不是所谓的冠军。