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  • A decadent hooker, her pimp and the bordello's gay cleaner fight over the gigolo's missing money, with the utmost mental cruelty.
  • The life of Brazilian soccer player, Garrincha, considered to be one of the greatest players of all time, with his uniquely original style. He had arched legs, a passion for women and booze. Also had a much talked extramarital affair with singer Elza Soares and died in relative decadence. The movie focuses on his zenit…
  • When powerful outlaw "Boca de Ouro" dies, a reporter interviews his former lover Guigui, to try to outline his personality. But the woman offers him three different versions of the facts, following the changes of her own personal feelings towards the man
  • 巴西电影大师格劳贝尔-罗恰最后一部作品,网上的版本由我的一些阿根廷朋友在共享。《大地的年纪》绝对是一部伟大的作品,也许是罗恰最具雄心的一部电影了,资本主义、军事独裁、帝国主义、革命斗争、马克思主义、种族主义、宗教信仰、神话传说、民间诗歌、政治隐喻、先锋实验。。。几乎所有在罗恰的电影中曾经出现过的主题都包含在其中了。这部影…
  • 《里约40度》是一部半纪录式影片,描写巴西里约热内卢酷热的一天,人们的真实生活和景象。《里约40度》标志着一位杰出的电影导演的诞生,纳尔逊.佩雷拉.多斯桑托斯,这位巴西新电影之父,由此得到了第一次成功和国际影坛的关注。