搜索 Joó

  • 在一家装潢考究西餐厅,一名精心打扮过的男性约翰略显紧张地等待着约会的对象。在他的脑中,从中间截然分开两个部分,左边蓝色的版块代表理性,负责该版块的小人正在当班,他帮主人冷静地做出各种选择。与此同时,负责右脑的红色小人正躺在吊床上呼呼大睡,全然不管主人的身家大事。就在此时,约翰的约会斯嘉丽特对象穿着性感惹火的服装出现。小…
  • 韩国国内首部以军队里发生事情为背景的剧集......   后续应该播第2季,最后那集说过很快回来,最近接档暑期特辑《幻想巨塔》播出中,这部剧定为8集,应该快了.....
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影
  • '9 Muses of Star Empire', a year-long chronicle that follows a journey of an all girl pop group '9 Muses', portrays the every-day life of nine girls, relentlessly pursuing their dreams in a world of jealousy, betrayal, and scandal. '9 Muses' is an emerging girl group, aspiring to perform on a national stage and gain wo…
  • Jools Holland presents BBC Two's flagship music show, with legendary musicians and brand new acts from around the world, all performing live.
  • Sang-yeon, Cheong-gook and Woo-seok are childhood friends who are now trying to find their own way of life. College student Sang-yeon, soon to start his military service, is busy with classes and a part-time job. Cheong-gook, who works at a club while dreaming about becoming a musician, has trouble with loan sharks. Wo…
  • 因无能力爸爸养不起家庭,家庭走斜坡路,父母离婚的京秀之家....
  • 美英原是平凡家庭主妇,常因健忘而忘了缴税、水电费等,还常跟在附近录像店打工的大男生吵架。她一直沉醉在家庭幸福里,没想到丈夫与同事在一次出差中,不小心发生一夜情,进而变成外遇。可怜的美英遭到婚变的打击,失去房子和孩子后,只好离开家。多年没做工的她走投无路,这时善解人意的大男生介绍她在 SPA 当服务生。由于他误以为她要自杀,…
  • A witty deconstruction of women’s life in traditional Iranian society, emphasizing gender oppression and lack of control over their already determined fate. Bride Can uses surprising juxtapositions of imagery to criticize objectification o…