搜索 Joon

  • In this award-winning animated short film, a man who has run out of cigarettes enters a surreal cycling competition in order to get more.
  • "I want to be yours tonight..."   Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them!   'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his sch…
  • 漫画/浪漫/奇幻电影,这是一个116分钟的漫画,两个男人和女人在晚上第一次见面,花了10个小时在一起,城市的现实和赢家的社会。这是一部幽默风趣的故事片,用讽刺和性感喜剧夸张地表达了贪婪。Seo Seo-hee(30岁,女性)即将离开这个世界,而Park Ho-soon(30岁,男性)即将离开首尔,却在汉港大桥上意外相遇,一起度过了这一天。这是一个寒冷的冬天…
  • A film noir about a detective with a piece of knife in his head who goes to Heuksan Island to repent his past while avenging a death of a friend who died because of his corruption.
  • 电影动作
  • 在一家装潢考究西餐厅,一名精心打扮过的男性约翰略显紧张地等待着约会的对象。在他的脑中,从中间截然分开两个部分,左边蓝色的版块代表理性,负责该版块的小人正在当班,他帮主人冷静地做出各种选择。与此同时,负责右脑的红色小人正躺在吊床上呼呼大睡,全然不管主人的身家大事。就在此时,约翰的约会斯嘉丽特对象穿着性感惹火的服装出现。小…
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影