- Revolves around a Dubai based family comprised of the couple Jacob and Sherly and their four children. These siblings have varied interests and traits. They behave extremely different to the same situation.
- John teaches spanish in Taiwan. And he is Korean. He wants to help students to communicate better. But ironically he himself is poor at communicating. He always has hard time to get along with others in daily life. One day, he realizes that he doesn't like talking with others but talking to himself. So he gets confused…
- The film tells the story of Sodabuddi, who spends his life wastefully. He has two romantic encounters and the audience gets to relive these tales, until the climax throws in a complete surprise.
- 《Lying Man》是由战旗TV打造的一档电竞真人秀娱乐节目,每期将会邀请多位电竞明星大咖作为嘉宾,让他们一起玩时下流行的互动语言游戏,也许他们在游戏上是翘楚,但是来到了《Lying Man》的世界中究竟谁是“渔夫”,谁是“鱼”?一起来节目中寻找答案吧!
- 《Lying Man》是由战旗TV打造的一档电竞真人秀娱乐节目,每期将会邀请多位电竞明星大咖作为嘉宾,让他们一起玩时下流行的互动语言游戏,也许他们在游戏上是翘楚,但是来到了《Lying Man》的世界中究竟谁是“渔夫”,谁是“鱼”?一起来节目中寻找答案吧!