搜索 Kaa

  • Elukaar
    After learning of the death of her grandfather, documentary director Katrina Lehismäe and her family take a road trip across a frozen Estonia in the middle of winter to the small town where he lived to take care of his affairs and start to…
  • In an attempt to reunite with her dead girlfriend , Maya evokes dark forces through occult rituals.
  • 电影剧情
    这是一部关于股票交易的影片,处处流露着金钱和欲望,一个草根凤凰男逆袭的故事。男主出生并成长在印度的一个小山村里。男主一心梦想前往孟买,去为自己的偶像(一位金融大鳄)去打工。金融大鳄亦是贫寒出身但却成功逆袭的典范。男一号发誓要成为像该金融大鳄一样的成功男士。男一号凭借自己 的努力和对机遇的掌控,在一年时间内,成为该金融大…
  • 电影惊悚
  • Bombay-based bachelor Jai Shankar Rai lets his superiors, as well as his boss, Ranjeet Choudhary, use his flat at night so that they can have their flings with women. He meets and fall in love with lovely but homeless Neeta Sinha, and even gets her a job at his firm. Hoping to propose to her after his promotion, he ins…
  • 在一个警察队杀死了他的兄弟之后,一个贩毒的歹徒发誓要杀死整个团队和他们的家人。
  • 英国一个格斗俱乐部拍的网络剧, 这里是第一季全集,剧情承接游戏街头霸王5, 但有一定的改编. 满满的阳刚之气. 剧情详细: "影法组织"死灰复燎, 发明"恶动波炸弹", 意图主宰世界. 国际刑警收到消息, 找到隆和肯, 想挫败拜森的阴谋. 另一股势力搅入局中, 一群疯狂的科学家复活战死的纳什少校, 派他夺取炸弹, 并广罗人手, …
  • Pulavar Samy (G.M.Kumar) an unsuccessful musician who wastes his life with the bottle, his teetotaler son Sannaasi (Sasikumar) who is the head of a 'Tharai Thappattai' music and dance troupe and the alcoholic Sooravali (Varalakshmi Sarathkumar) the lead dancer who has the temper of a man but is in love with Sannasi and…
  • 电影生活
    科幻题材影片《末日回旋》由Eric Petey执导,Marc Petey、Nelson Carter Leis主演。   经科学家们证实,在过去的三年里,全球的气温显著上升且洪水泛滥,联合国正在竭力控制这场全球灾难。资源日益稀缺,人们正悄然陷入另一场全球冲突,全球的暴力犯罪事件不断出现。   漩涡系统被誉为“迄今为止最强大的武器”,政府利用漩涡系统大幅度削减…