- 食を尊び、素材に敬意を表する。これこそが大食い道の精神だ! 2007年度日本漫画家協会賞優秀賞受賞、累計発行部数50万部突破、週刊漫画ゴラク好評連載の「喰いしん坊」を、松生秀二監督が実写化したコメディ。大原満太郎(河相我聞)は、グルメな会社員。ある日、カウボーイのような格好をした男と出会い、その男のアドバイスで巨漢との大喰い…
- What happens when creativity is unbridled, unabridged, untamed and unleashed? When artists, previously hampered by structure and order, are allowed to simply be free and express from the heART...magic is created. This is a fantasy and a cautionary tale. The journey of a spontaneous 4-month long experimental jam session…
- Dan Kashwood, the Hall Monitor of Rocky Mountain High School, maintains law and order with force and a .44 Magnum. When a murderer is killing off the football team one by one, it's up to Dan to investigate the mystery.