搜索 Kitagawa

  • Ami, raised in China, is a high school student who practices Chinese martial arts and swimming. She comes back to Japan because of her mother’s remarriage. Hiroshi, a careless college student, likes to take women’s pictures secretly. Hiros…
  • 电影剧情
  • This program examines the history and physiology of crucifixion. Though generally associated with the Roman Empire, it began with impalement, a method of public execution by torture, in the Assyrian Empire. Through extensive use the Roman Empire refined methods to maximize and, by delaying death, extend the suffering o…
  • テレビスター宇野久美子は同僚に失恋し自殺を決意した。芸の上でもゆきづまっていた。死体のあがらぬ伊豆の湖が、死場所にいいと思った。大阪行の車中で素人画家に変装し伊豆に着いた。雨に降られた彼女を、初老の紳士が車で自分のロッジに案内した。一夜が明けるとその大池氏の姿は見えず、岸辺に一艘のボートが漂っていた。対岸のバンガローの…
  • 一向不喜在媒体前露面的杰尼斯社长喜多川,接受了NHK的国际频道《NHK世界TV》的访问,《NHK世界TV》制作了一档全新的杰尼斯相关特别节目《JOHNNYS' World:Top of the J Pops》,将于本月27日播出,他正是为了该档节目才首度接受访问。喜多川将以不露脸的方式出演。据NHK关系者透露,尽管届时不露脸,但这是喜多川第一次正式出演电视台的节目。…
  • 十年前的一天,几名小学生在公园内玩捉迷藏,结果遭遇了恐怖的女人引子(三宅绫子 饰),许多孩子被杀,只有高原瞳和鹿岛美咲侥幸活了下来,但却陷入长久的昏迷之中。十年后的一天,瞳(藤田まい 饰)和鹿岛美咲(関本ちひろ 饰)突然醒来,随着身体的恢复,十年前那个血腥午后的恐怖记忆也慢慢苏醒。消失已久的引子似乎感知到女孩的复苏,又遽…
  • 战国时代、女忍者谁在武田信玄服务、只有选择了处女是教女忍者军团的巫术诅咒....命运、耆那教的武器、我报仇的蠕动在黑暗中的邪恶
  • Sugar Sweet tells the story of lesbian porn director Naomi. Her employers insist that her films are becoming too gay and her closest friends have labeled her as a sellout due to her profession. To let go of her frustrations, Naomi confides in her online friend Sugar. Suddenly, Naomi is offered a chance to direct an all…