搜索 Klemens

  • 电影
    We follow a squad of American paratroopers as they struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you depend on the guy next to you, or is he not what he appears to be  Set in the aftermath of the allied invasion of France…
  • 电影
    A grief stricken captain embarks on his final mission in command of an ageing cargo ship. The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontent with their lives in deep space try to complete a successful mission, but the ship has ideas of it's own. Soon, an 'accident' onboard forces a diversion to Somnus, a derelict asteroi…
  • 核战秘录
    核戰祕錄 1 - 莫斯科特務1962年,冷戰時期的最高峰,美蘇兩強相互設置核子弹頭瞄準對方的致命要害,第三次世界大戰似乎無可避免了!多得兩國元首-美國前總統甘迺迪與前蘇聯領導人赫魯曉夫的緩和政策,與及前蘇聯的情報組織-KGB中的超級特務彭柯夫斯基居中協調,才能順利解除大戰危機。彭柯夫斯基身為KGB特務的傳奇生涯,以及相關資料一直被美…