搜索 Krisztina

  • 本片透过少女阿格拉娅的视角,为我们展示了时代变迁中一段非比寻常的母女关系,以及一个家庭的分崩离析。故事由真实事件改编,罗马尼亚齐奥塞斯库独裁统治时期,一个马戏表演家庭逃往西欧,为了在业界立足,母亲倾其所有习得一项危险的舶来技艺——悬发术,从此少女每晚都在失去母亲的恐惧中度过。然而,终有一天,少女将承袭家庭传统,成为那位…
  • Lili and Pali are "chance" bank robbers, and perhaps "chance lovers" but they don't have the opportunity to pursue their relationship. With stolen money in their backpacks they are constantly on the run and everything seems to go wrong. As they seek refuge in a run-down industrial town they learn th…
  • 剧情介绍:时间是1956年,也是冷战期间最寒冷的一年。匈牙利在政治上被苏联掌管着。然而,匈牙利还有一支超级队伍——匈牙利国家水球队依旧还没有被打败……所向无敌。虽然共产主义镇压像是阴云一样笼罩在匈牙利人民日常生活的上空,球队的明星运动员却是整个国家最耀眼的英雄。人们把他们当成像是流行乐坛的摇滚明星一样,以丰厚的奖金和最漂亮…
  • The world's first woman Rabbi lived in Berlin of the 1930s, and her greatest dream was to become a Rabbi. She felt that she was born to be a Rabbi, but women were barred from becoming a Rabbi according to the Jewish laws. I was deeply impressed by her short life story, which was full of struggles. But how can I tell he…