- The romantic drama Holiday Harmony from producers Ali Afshar, Lauren Swickard and Daniel Aspromonte, and directed by Shaun Paul Piccinino, follows singer-songwriter Gail, who lands an opportunity to compete for a once-in-a-lifetime shot at the big time, and heads cross country-only getting as far as Harmony Springs, Ok…
- 'IRENE的Work&Holiday'是呈现Red Velvet IRENE的面貌以及从出道起就一起的密友们去休假的哐当哐当人类裴珠泫的面貌的真人秀!
- Russia’s record-high number of holidays are celebrated at an upbeat balalaika pace and with black humour in a lively mosaic of impressions from life in the vast, inscrutable country in the East.