搜索 Lamberg

  • Dalia and her two sisters grow up in a pagan apocalyptic cult. She escapes and the cult is closed and broken up by authorities - or so Dalia thought. Years later the cult could still be active? - and her two sisters are still missing. Dalia must journey through the dark world of black metal to find her sisters and conf…
  • 最偉大的文化往往來自生活的底層,這些沒沒無聞的創作者曾被埋沒,直到集結成驚人的力量,徹底改變文化的面貌。導演Aaron Rose拍攝的紀錄片,關於紐約Alleged工作室的藝術家和他們的故事。九零年代,一群受到美國次文化影響的年輕藝術家在紐約群聚起來,他們喜愛街頭藝術、滑板、塗鴉和獨立音樂,開始以Alleged工作室為基地,創作出以他們生活為…
  • 多瑙河欧洲的亚马逊
  • 蓝色多瑙河
    From its romantic shores, its wild nature to its baroque art, the fascination of the Danube is inescapable. The contrast between wilderness and civilization is what makes the Danube so unique. As it flows through its various landscapes, it transforms. Influenced by weather and climatic extremes, it is in constant motio…