搜索 Lavén

  • An impressionable and naive Wiewer, stunned by the tragedy of "Otello," goes backstage to kill the villain, Iago. With the Viewer's knife at his neck, Jack Bandrowsky, who played Iago, starts the performance of his life. He improvises from his repertoire, convincing the Viewer that the real villain is not Iag…
  • based on Herman Bang's novel Mikael, Vingarne is a silent melodrama about an artist's love for his newfound male model. Radically, the film opens with director Stiller and his cinematographer coming across a sensual staue of Icarus in the gardens in Stockholm. Then the movie proper begins, with artist Claude Zoret stru…
  • 电影剧情
  • 发现了多个巧合的约阿希姆声称自己的前世是波斯尼亚的一名士兵。他和朋友们带上了摄像机,踏上一次探寻之旅。一行人在萨拉热窝寻找前世,也因此慢慢了解几十年前在这里发生的战争。在这部模糊纪实与虚构的独特影片中,历史的伤痕和个体记忆相互交织。
  • 电影剧情
  • 一对情侣在威尼斯的河边被发现死亡。男死者被捅死,而女死者则溺死。警察对于凶手为什么会将女死者从河里捞出放在岸边感到困惑。这是一个奇怪的行为,因为通常凶手并不会关心死者的安置。警察开始对情侣的社会关系展开调查,并发现有一位与他们关系密切的女士。这可能意味着这位女士与死者之间存在某种复杂的关系,可能是爱情、争执或其他动机。…
  • 故事发生在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(波黑),1991年,南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国解体之后,南斯拉夫内战之前,在德国流放了20多年的主人公开着梅赛德斯载着20岁的女友回到故乡黑塞哥维那。电影改编自波黑著名作家Ivica Đikić的同名小说。by 54f8inThe film is set in the Herzegovina part of Bosnia and Herzegov…
  • 电影剧情
  • Olja is a high school history teacher, married to a painter whose latest exhibition provoked violent reactions from Serbian nationalists. One night, a group of masked hooligans attacks her. They film the attack and upload the clip to YouTube. The next day Olja discovers that some of her students were responsible. She t…
  • Depicts how digital communication, pornography and vanity obstruct true emotions and love.