搜索 Lebrun

  • A renowned painter and a free-thinker, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun is still considered ahead of her time. Follow the artist's adventures over the course of her nearly 90-year life in this captivating docudrama.
  • Stranded in Canton captures the stranded of present day Guangzhou. Tens of thousands of sub-Saharan African merchants currently live in the mega city of Guangzhou, located along the northern reaches of the Pearl River in southern China. The local Cantonese commonly refer to the Sanyuanli and Xiaobei districts of the ci…
  • 人类文明史交织着创造与毁灭,玛雅人创造了辉煌灿烂的古代文明,而西班牙人则如同折断路边向日葵一般轻易地毁灭了一切,这就是玛雅文明的悲剧。寻踪玛雅带你走进中美洲丛林,展示曾经美轮美奂的玛雅文明,解密玛雅人那天书般的文字,回顾玛雅的前世与今生。16 世纪,西班牙神父迭牙哥.兰达燃起了毁灭玛雅文明的罪恶之火,曾经的灿烂与辉煌霎时灰…
  • 执法女先锋2沿袭第一集的俊男美女演员,克里斯、马克及莎曼珊负责保护科学家所发明的电脑晶片,并由每人带在身上,但由黑寡妇、眼镜蛇、天蝎星所组成之暗杀集体,却计划抢夺晶片,她们个个身怀绝计,并顺利偷得晶片,绑架了莎曼珊。但在经过一连串斗智、抢夺、斯杀后,克里斯、马克及莎曼珊成功的完成了保护晶片的任务……
  • Un Prince, charmé par la beauté d'une de ses sujettes, Silvia, l'a fait enlever. Mais Silvia entend rester fidèle à son fiancé, le paysan Arlequin, et elle refuse de voir son ravisseur. Cependant le Prince s'avise de se faire passer aupr…
  • 电影
  • The animated documentary Proteus explores the nineteenth century's engagement with the undersea world through science, technology, painting, poetry and myth. The central figure of the film is biologist and artist Ernst Haeckel, who found in the depths of the sea an ecstatic and visionary fusion of science and art.
  • 电影剧情