搜索 Lemmertz

  • Walter Hugo Khouri号称是巴西电影界的伯格曼,〈空洞的夜〉(1964)〈燃烧的躯体〉(1966)和〈好色之徒〉(1968)是他的人性三部曲,在他的影片中充满着存在主义的疑问、角色复杂内心的独白和现代主义的电影语言。
  • After constant attacks on nature, the planet's water is practically depleted and the young Sarah and Kim try to find a way to obtain this precious and indispensable asset for the survival of humanity
  • 巴西美女Lilian Lemmertz主演的情感剧。Tired of her boring husband, secretary Cordélia finds refuge in a love affair with her boss and afterwards, believes she has found true love in the person of a car salesman.
  • 男欢女爱,虽然是一件很开心的事,但当意见不合时,当初的一切缠绵,都会化为灰烬。故事讲述一对男女,他们的感情既陌生又接近。他们不但很了解及深爱对方,同时亦完全占据了对方的身体。男的很喜欢植物,他对自己的花园很紧张,有一天,他发现花园被蚂蚁侵占,穿了一个大的洞,便激动地发怒。女的看见他这样,耻笑他的行为。他也不甘示弱,向著…
  • A German governess is hired to give German and piano lessons to the teenager son of a rich traditional family, in the 20s. But soon they get involved, and she teaches him love lessons instead.Gramado Film FestivalYear Result Award Category/Recipient(s)1976 Won Golden Kikito Best Actress (Melhor Atriz)Lilian LemmertzBes…
  • Young man goes camping with some friends, looking for some peace, but strange and disturbing events happen
  • 在圣保罗,古怪又爱浪漫的钢琴家Martin相信意外的钟情,还发明了一套寻找梦中女人的策略。他预先挑选好一条地铁线路,进入车厢,追求一名妇女,看他俩是否命运相同。按照他的程序,他遇见了一位孤癖女孩的母亲Tania;盲人作家Laura;以及有一段秘密往事的神秘Ana,并且爱上了她。