搜索 Loft

  • 电影恐怖
    艾玛(Elisabeth Moss 伊丽莎白•莫斯 饰)随父母搬入一幢新房子,但这里阴森诡异的气氛让一家人倍感不适。某天,艾玛走上阁楼,竟看见一个跟自己相貌相似的女孩,而对方对自己显然存有恶意。疑窦丛生的艾玛在侦探约翰(Jason Lewis 杰森•刘易斯 饰)的协助下展开调查,发现自己的父母可能暗中演习黑魔法,而自己也确实有一个孪生妹妹。在出生…
  • 电影
    R.D. Womack II's patiently paced thriller has been hailed, as thrilling as it is beautiful - Brian Corsetti, HollyScoop. Follow Lester; a privileged underachiever who awakes to find himself kidnapped and stranded in a snowbound cabin. Along with Viviana, another captive, the two must survive the brutal onslaught of win…
  • 新兴致幻剂“紫色霓虹”,据说是可以召唤恶魔的神药
  • On a peaceful October day a college team and their coaches depart on a three day journey to a national championship. From the start strange things happen on their creaky, rented bus. Just after midnight on the third day, they hit something on the road. For the next six hours in the dead of night thirteen people face th…
  • 电影恐怖
  • This documentary explores how enmeshed Hitler was with the Wagner clan and examines the ties between political power and culture. The programme features as yet unpublished documents, film sequences and photographs as well as contemporary accounts which are melded into a fascinating portrait of Hitler's Bayreuth, puttin…
  • 在一个世界末日般的未来世界里,一对年轻的上流社会夫妇正在参观一个超现实主义绘画展览,由一群年轻的无zheng府主义者在他们的阁楼公寓里展示,他们在那里诱捕和折磨上流社会的客人。
  • Criminologist Carter Holmes travels the globe trying to recover and keep safe the 9 daggers which will unlock a secret vault containing the Devil's Trademark, an ancient relic with massive power.The relic was uncovered from an Egyptian temple and relocated to the vault by scientist Dr. Stanhope. Stanhope is murdered as…
  • Burlesque queen Ann Corio took time out of her runway activities in the 1940s to star in three Monogram features, of which Call of the Jungle was the last.Unlike the earlier Corio vehicles, Jungle is not an escapist musical but sort of an adventure / drama / mystery.Wrapped in a fetching sarong, the star plays Tana, a …