搜索 Longstreth

  • This animated fantasy film follows the adventures of a young elf boy named Dante who is destined to be king and his sworn protector, a noble warrior-turned-outlaw named Landon Wanderer. When Dante's prophecized kingship turns out to be part of a much larger and more sinister scheme, the young elf's future as king goes …
  • 86年的电视连续剧《缓慢燃烧》(slow burn),这部作品出人意料仅只是一部平庸的东东。与其说是depp的早期作品,不若说是标志曾大放异彩的演员爱立克 罗伯茨低迷时期而留存人们记忆中的作品。《缓慢燃烧》以阿瑟 雷恩斯的正统的惊悚小说《灰烬之城》为原本,depp饰演被绑架后遭残杀的百万富翁的儿子。罗伯茨饰演曾是新闻报道记者的私家侦探。不…
  • America's only missing nuclear weapon is leaking radioactive material into the ocean just off the coast of Tybee Island, GA. The trifling existence of a hapless cast is disrupted by a vicious force of nature that shows no mercy.