搜索 Mônica

  • Alex arrives in Berlin in 1933 in order to find his place in the world and to understand his sexual identity. He will be one of the first post-op transgender in History, unfortunately during the Nazi Regime's rise.
  • 电影动作
  • Displaced by the violence that swept their town, Paloma and Lobo survive trying to love each other. Through thirst, fear and nostalgia, qigou.cc Paloma wishes to go back home but Lobo lives tied to a memory that stops him from returning.
  • 电影剧情
    年轻人埃洛(Leandro Stivelman 饰)踩高跷、套公仔,干着一份平常且卑微的工作。父亲的死(Hugo Arana 饰)给他的生活带来巨大的触动,从出殡那天开始,埃洛仿佛随时可以看到父亲的身影。而实际上,他罹患了失眠症,夜晚经常无意识地四处走动。某晚,埃洛照例梦游,却不慎从邻居家的天窗跌落下去,摔在性感女子艾尔维拉(Antonella …
  • 电影喜剧
    大学时代,安德鲁(乔舒华·莱纳德 Joshua Leonard 饰)和本(马克·杜普拉斯 Mark Duplass 饰)是学校里的叛逆分子,在那些疯狂的日子里,正是本和安德鲁之间的友情让一切记忆变得闪闪发光。毕业后,本成家立业,过起了安定而平静的生活,可安德鲁却选择了与之相反的人生道路,成为了一名街头艺术家,两人渐渐淡漠了来往。时隔多年,安德鲁的突…
  • 年届30的自由摄影师木岛实(佐々木ユメカ 饰)与某杂志主编栉田(堀正彦 饰)长期维持着不伦关系。某天,木岛接到一项任务,他须协助杂志编辑樫山慎一(真田幹也 饰)前去采访女性色情漫画家凤蝶(大葉ふゆ 饰)。凤蝶曾经名噪一时,5年前却因不明原因宣布封笔,而如今又决定重操旧业。木岛和慎一的首次采访并不顺利,凤蝶似乎紧闭心门,始终不…
  • Normally in Spanish movies the sex its an important part of any movie,but in this case is too much including for Larry flint.if anybody see this film be careful,if you are a feminist activist this movie will make you sick,in this film all women are bitches ,the actors are too bad ,the jokes doesn't exists,(the director…
  • Buscando a Miguel (English: Looking for Miguel) is a 2007 Colombian drama film written and directed by Juan Fisher. based on at true story, looking for Miguel is Fisher’s second work as director. The fim is a stark comedy-drama about identity and the different facets of Colombian society.Miguel is a young and very ambi…
  • 二十世纪初叶的墨西哥,一个即将要被处决的人,被一个名叫亨利 普里斯的英国医生解救. 这个人的绰号叫特培帕,他是一位革命英雄. 特匹帕问医生为什么要救他,回答是冰冷的, 医生说他要自己亲自杀他.但不久他们就发现军队正在追捕他们