搜索 Maïa

  • A woman, married for 10 years, has an extra-marital affair and gets pregnant. She debates on whether she should tell her husband and plays out various scenarios in her mind about how he will react to her confession.
  • Marion Hill (LL Cool J) is a former professional football player with the Los Angeles Raiders. Because of his financial predicament, Marion is forced to rent out most rooms in his house to newly divorced single mother Jackie Warren (Debbie Allen) and her two children, Tiffany (Maia Campbell) and Austin (Jeffery Wood).A…
  • 青梅竹马的卡洛斯Carlos( 努诺·莱亚尔·马亚饰)和索朗热Solange(索尼娅·布拉加饰)终于步入了婚姻的殿堂。新婚之夜,索朗热却拒绝向卡洛斯献出童贞。恳求无果的卡洛斯愤怒地强奸了妻子。随后几个月,索朗热仍旧不能与丈夫过正常的夫妻生活。这对经历纯洁恋爱的夫妻陷入了痛苦之中。为了证明自己不是性冷淡,索朗热开始在公交巴士上引诱她平…
  • 巴西歌手Tim Maia的传记电影。记录了Maia从里约热内卢的童年到55岁逝世间的人生故事,包括其在美国找到新的音乐风格以及因偷窃和使用毒品被捕的经历。
  • 14 out of 18 people found the following comment useful:-Communist drama projected upon a learned man, 13 March 2003Author: Gabriel Sarzea from Ploiesti, RomaniaThe title of the movie is somehow paradoxical, since nothing that happens in the movie doesn't come to sustain the idea that might arise from the blunt receptio…
  • 电影动作
  • https://otho.douban.com/lpic/s3204587.jpg
  • 电影动作
    老虎古玛和桑哈出生在印度支那的原始森林里,本来正是无忧无虑的童年期,但是这里的古老石窟却招惹来一帮西方来的探险队。他们枪杀了他们的父亲。不幸的古玛被他们抬走了,剩下桑哈跟母亲慌乱逃生。古玛给辗转卖到了马戏团,被迫每天练习跳火圈之类的把戏。他想念家人,还不习惯被驯养的生活,境 况非常悲凉。  而他的兄弟桑哈,也没能逃脱被…
  • Let'stalk
    A woman, married for 10 years, has an extra-marital affair and gets pregnant. She debates on whether she should tell her husband and plays out various scenarios in her mind about how he will react to her confession.