搜索 Maestro

  • GEA是一个生活在另一维度的女神,她通过自己的智慧和耐心创造了一个星球,这个星球和她的生命相连,拥有雪山、火山、沙漠、森林……创造完这一切,GEA感到疲惫,沉入火山中休息,等她醒来的时候,星球的一切都被改变了!短片制作者是一群动画专业的学生,该片获得多项短片大奖,包括环保届颁发的奖项。
  • Presented by Thirteen/WNET New York, the one-hour visit finds the artistic and general director of St. Petersburg’s legendary Mariinsky Theater in high spirits, particularly when discussing his favorite topic: the exhilaration of fine musi…
  • 纯朴宁静的西班牙小镇上,突然造访了一位年轻的魔术师。各种不可思议的魔法他都信手拈来,在紫红色的神奇迷雾下,他会变出一束鲜花送给过路的老奶奶,又能把小孩子损坏的飞机修理得完美无缺。街边的流浪狗在他的魔法下变成健硕的大狗,老奶奶转身的瞬间就成为一位花枝招展的贵妇人……很快, 他就赢得了小镇上所有人的喜爱,箱子里村民给他的金…
  • 繁华都市迎来了新的早晨。某栋大楼的半空中,楼梯清洁工老狼正做着极其枯燥无聊的清洁工作。他穿得破破烂烂,目光中看不到任何希望。当他开始清洁某一楼层的窗户时,突然发现这间公司的员工竟然全是羊。这些羊看起来兢兢业业,每只都是傻乎乎的样子,对老狼来说这里简直是梦想中的美味天堂。为此,他伪造了一份极其低劣的学历来到该公司应聘,竟…
  • Twenty-four year old American born Alam Khan is traveling to India on his first concert tour without his ailing father, legendary Indian classical maestro sarodist Ali Akbar Khan. Alam knows that soon he will have to play and live life without his father's guidance and support. When Alam feels the weight of living up t…
  • 米高梅动画短片集
  • Maestro, a feature documentary 4 years in the making, tells the story of how a group of people found refuge and a call for life outside the mainstream, what evolved was a scene that set the ground work for what was to come in dance music culture worldwide, a rare insight into the secret underground world. It's the firs…