- 这是一部想象力让人叹为观止的短片佳作。艺术家用沙在玻璃板上作画,约4分钟的时间里,随着沙的被撒落和她手指的移动,一幅幅美丽的景象在观众眼前呈现,它们包括蓝天白云下小树随风飘扬、鹰鹫在天空翱翔、和煦阳光下绵羊吃草、女性手托鸟儿默默注视、白鸽嘴衔橄榄枝向前飞行等。尤其令人称赞的是,后一副景象并非在前一副被破坏之后建立,而是…
- The personal film archives of Yoko Ono were utilized for this feature-length documentary on the life of John Lennon. Predictably, it downplays Lennon's association with the Beatles and concentrates on his years with Ono. The film spends a lot of time recounting Lennon's anti-war activities, highlighted by a confrontati…