搜索 Marcis

  • Pierre (Cerone) and Amelie (Serena Monti) filming their sexual adventures. But then the the video cassette is taken by a model who later blackmails them for some sex games. But the couple seems to like these games.
  • Geneva, Switzerland 1935. Europe is struggling to be united as one yet the Woodrow- Wilson's idea of a united Europe by the means of the League of Nations is being enforced. American missionaries since the 1920's are trying to introduce the Europeans with the new sport called basketball. The first European Championship…
  • 導演記錄了幾個不同階層的倫敦人在經濟危機下的不同命運。一個有錢的商人被自己的家人所遺棄;一個精神病清潔工尋求內心的平靜;一個孟加拉移民卻想換一份新工作;而一個生活體面的保險經紀卻想從現在煩悶的生活中解脫。伊薩克斯用幾個倫敦下雨的鏡頭,令人印象深刻的音效,讓觀眾們從中體會倫敦人的真實生活。
  • 本片由迈克尔·鲍威尔那部关于窥阴癖的《偷窥汤姆》(Peeping Tom)所引发,导演用这部影片来作为探索电影制作与窥阴癖之间关系的一个出发点。其中引用了许多相关影片充当资料,那些片中的人们都是在毫不知情的情况下被偷拍的。