搜索 Markovic

  • 这是一个充满诗意的战时故事,讲述了一个年轻游击队员和一个乡村女孩之间的爱情。通过乡村女孩、年轻游击队员、一名摄影师和一名德国军官的讲述,给我们刻画了他们对战争时期的主观印象。将事件拼在一起,电影的基本故事就是女孩的故事。尽管经历了悲剧,这部电影的结尾还是证明了女孩的爱将战胜战争的残酷。
  • Educator and those educated in a home for juvenile delinquents in the same test: approach, take a peek into his soul to become a man. The story of a minor, neglected boys-offenders and their teachers who try to reject the old methods of rehabilitation. Written by Nikola Popovic from imdb
  • A frustrated and unemployed architect experiences flashbacks of his youth and 1968 protests while the life passes by. Unable to adapt and to accept the reality, he's constantly getting into conflicts with the people around him.
  • 电影中Gruje·内纳德耶兹迪奇和他的后裔将在这一系列新的电影中,战斗在1941年的南斯拉夫格鲁伊奇
  • 电影战争
    20世纪30年代,二次大战如火如荼。而萨利(卡尔·马克维斯饰)凭借一手高超的伪造技巧春风得意,佳肴美女信手拈来,好不自在。但是他的好日子并为持续多久,很快他便因为遭罪被逮捕,随后投入毛特豪森集中营。  时德国纳粹图谋制造大量假币,以扰乱同盟国的经济。萨利的才能得到发掘,他成了这个秘密伪钞制造小组的头目,但良心却促使他…
  • The film is about a bunch of policemen, who wanders in a bus through the streets of Belgrade, waiting to confront the demonstrators. What really happens is that they confront each other, and fight with their own doubts too.
  • Dejan Pejovic獲2007.歐洲影展最佳電影作曲提名。塞爾維亞最富盛名喇叭手的女兒與來自對手羅馬交響樂團的男孩墜入愛河。女子的父親於是決定跟他一決勝負,贏了才能和他的女兒在一起。
  • 电影剧情
    中年男子米尔登(Nebojsa Glogovac 饰)拥有一个还算完美幸福的家庭,但一场灾难令这个家庭遭受沉重的打击。米尔登活泼可爱的儿子尼曼亚(Marko Djurovic 饰)被诊断患有严重的心脏病,然高额的手术费令夫妇俩烦恼不已。适逢经济萧条,米尔登的公司濒临倒闭,银行也拒绝提供抵押贷款。男孩的母亲玛丽娅(Natasa Ninkovic 饰)无奈…
  • Men, women, and war. Jelena Panic is a young woman in Belgrade in the early 1990s, during Serbia's war with Croatia; she's making a book of her grandmother's diaries from the end of World War II. She takes up with Bogden, a young soldier recovering from war wounds. He helps her with her grandmother's story, a tragic tr…