搜索 Mau

  • 电视剧爱情
    描述芝加哥三个最优秀的急救员的故事。他们的个性都有问题,且存在自毁倾向,这让他们很难维持稳定的爱情、友情或其他关系,因此他们把大部分精力都投入工作中。对那些登上救护车的病人来说,能得到他们的救治无异于天赐之福——他们的能力是没话说的。Michael Mosley(Johnny)、Kevin Daniels(Hank)和Kevin Bigley(Brian…
  • 电影剧情
    八十年代末,北方残败工厂。 保卫干事顾学兵(祖峰 饰)的生活一片狼藉。爱慕对象小金(秦海璐 饰)犹豫着去歌厅上班,他无可奈何;小金的儿子(周政杰 饰)梦想着加入匪帮,他无力阻拦;保卫科同事跟窃贼同流合污,他沉默不语。似乎一切都将在压抑中走向消亡。 谁都不知道,顾学兵在制造着一把枪,这似乎是他唯一的出口,然而这把枪最终将指向…
  • 电视剧预告
  • 电影动画
    故事讲述了茫茫大海中的一个黑暗丛林里,年轻的男孩马可正在逃离可怕的巫师和他的猿猴军队。逃跑途中,马可偷到一颗能够在满月时分实现愿望的魔法钻石。但不久之后,名声狼藉的剑齿虎船长听说了这颗神奇的钻石,决定率领海盗团将这颗钻石夺走…… 史上亏损最多的电影
  • 电影
    华夏时期盗匪大量涌入,探险队与考古学家找到《驭蛟录》并收藏起来以免其流失海外。几年后,父亲受到蛇毒重伤的高盈盈(毛娜饰 演)在玄二(王玺饰 演)和玄三(段霄震饰 演)的陪同下,找到了互生情愫多年、会分金定穴之术的富家少爷许飞(安一鑫 饰演),希望他能帮助自己寻找治愈父亲蛇毒的解药。四人途中意外遇到了黄海山(韩东 饰演),五…
  • After landing a Rs.80 Crore deal with businessman Kapadia, Joseph Rodriquez, decides to sell his Kasargaon mansion and enlists the services of real estate agent, Devyani Mitra. While traveling there, he comes to her assistance, and drives her to his mansion. Once there, after settling down for the night, she claims tha…
  • In a small backwater town, a trio of sadistic killers terrorizes the community as they continue a cross-country murder spree that's lasted over a year. As the police frantically begin a manhunt to stop them, the slayers encounter a mortal terror far beyond anything they could imagine. A dreadful game of survival ensues…
  • Andy´s world changes completely when his mother has an accident.When there is no one to take care of him, the boy is carried to Cuernavaca to his paternal grandmother´s house. While her mother is debating between life and death, the child …