- 小脚丫、斯拉、史派克和达达偶遇两只傻得可爱的黄种恐龙——卢发和杜发,它们要去遥远的百瑞谷,却在途中迷了路。卢发和杜发看上去十分笨拙,难以找到回家的路,于是小脚丫和它的伙伴们决定帮助它们的新朋友。一路上它们共同体验了生命中重要的一课——智慧的力量。当它们最终到达百瑞谷时,小脚丫发现黄种恐龙们即使不参照它的想法,依靠它们自…
- Mysteries abound in the life of John McAfee. He made millions creating antivirus software, then reinvented himself as a yogi, a proponent of herbal medicine, and a serial entrepreneur. He was known for his charm and generosity. Then his life took another turn. He moved from the US to Belize and built a heavily armed co…