搜索 Milá

  • 电影
    The ruffles king forbids music for his kingdom and gets cursed for it. The king's right hand secretly wishes to take the throne and tries to kill the king, but the cursed king just would not die. Later when the king's right hand figures out how to kill the king and takes over the kingdom. The left-for-dead king gets lo…
  • 电影
    The lines are busy at the telephone helpline. A life coach records an encouraging video while concerned parents consult a child psychologist. A spectrum of cinematic tableaus shows people trying to counteract the increasing loneliness to create intimacy in a detached society.
  • 电影剧情
  • Madre de alquiler
    A woman rents her womb to a powerful family of Mexican businessmen to save her father's life. After her delivery, she wakes up in a hospital where she is given a baby who was born with a physical disability. Years later, her life will confront her again with that moment, to discover the truth.
  • 死因不明
  • 上世纪60年代,经济繁荣,意大利富饶的北部正在修建欧洲最高的建筑,而在该国的另一端,年轻的洞穴学家在未受破坏的卡拉布里亚腹地探索欧洲最深的洞穴。比富尔托深渊的底部、地面下方700米处,将首次迎来人类造访。附近的村民没有注意到这群探险者,但波利诺高原的老牧羊人却注意到他离群索居的生活开始与这群人的探险交织在一起。
  • 《蝴蝶的眼泪》根据真实故事改编,讲述了1960年11月25日,被独裁者拉斐尔·莱昂尼达斯·特鲁希略下令谋杀的多米尼加律师兼活动家密诺瓦·米拉波和她的活动家姐妹帕提娅和玛丽亚·特蕾莎的人生。故事重现了这一悲惨日子前后的细节,促使联合国将11月25日定为消除对妇女暴力行为国际日,因为这起谋杀案再次痛苦地提醒人们,基于性别的暴力在世界各…
  • 十个月前,杀手亨利刺杀了一名富豪后打算归隐山林。十个月后,富豪的女儿查理前去寻仇却遭受车祸反被亨利救下。在日复一日的相处之下,查理逐渐对亨利产生了不一样的情愫,而亨利却透过查理的物品察觉了她此行的目的,两人之间的危险一触即发,就在此时,警方和马尔康也顺腾摸瓜来到了亨利的住处,一场有关利益和亲情的战争悄然打响......
  • It's back! Season two of ADULT SWIM high-octane hellspawn returns with 20 freshly hatched episodes! It's a brain-scrambling bonanza of pop culture-crushing sketch comedy, acted out by chunks of  wire and plastic cunningly crafted frame by people and animals, then stop-motion animated frame by painstaking frame in the s…
  • Here we go again! Not only is it time for 20 fresh episodes of soul-pummelling, mind-blowing, award-winning stop-motion sketch comedy funnedlled from the colono of the ADULT SWIM late-night hypno-hellacious sock hop, it's also time for more words on the back of the DVD describing the contents within! Words words words …