搜索 Mimí

  • A young woman is brought to an asylum to receive special treatment from a mysterious doctor. Dr. Spector does more than just run the hospital — he offers his patients as sacrifices to Satan.
  • July 1969 . After two years spent in Canada, Sacha is back in her small Belgian town. She has two disturbing news to break to her family : the first one is that instead of being married - or at least engaged - as expected - she has a Canadian ... girlfriend ! The second is not much better : instead of graduating as a r…
  • 电视剧爱情
    Studio On Fire将制作首部BL新剧《Live in Love 》,改编自作家Yoe Nim的同名小说。   讲述了P'Kla 和 Nong Cake 因路过而相遇的爱情故事,事情发生在这句话之后“你朋友的名字看起来很好吃”。   在每个人都因为新冠病毒而不得不自我隔离的时期,人们利用空闲时间出来在社交媒体上发布直播,就此让 Kla 和 Cake 通过朋友的直播…
  • ....is where I'm assuming this movie came from. I mean, I've watched plenty of B movies over the course of my young life so far, and I wouldn't even classify this as a B movie. I remember seeing films in my high school mass media class that surpass this one.So the premise is...a bunch of dancing numbers and goofy crap …
  • 斯科塞斯最早的学生电影是《你这么好的女孩在这里干什么?》。这部电影展示了导演最终风格的雏形,例如断断续续的剪辑、直接的画外音和流畅的镜头动作。
  • 当一位年轻的荷兰理想主义者旅行到摩洛哥开始着手食品义举时,被当地恐怖分子拐走,并不得不参加一场心理棋赛,去了解绑匪们的目的。
  • Mimi Minus, the star, advertises a new, sticky, black, brain-cleaning agent. She uses it first on her reflection in a mirror in order to clean one half of her brain and subsequently applies it to her whole body... (Christa Blümlinger)
  • 1996年4月26日,故事开始的时间。很少有作品能够发表的诗人、作家、30岁的同性恋男子、艾滋患者巴布罗(Juan Minujín 饰)在日记上记录下这一天他撰写的两则广告:因经济拮据,巴布罗与自己的姑妈同住,担任家教成为他有限的收入来源之一;而另一则广告,则是为了寻找爱人。频繁的往来于医院,令人反感的药物,潜伏绝症的身体……在这些的围绕…