- Rod Serling's seminal anthology series focused on ordinary folks who suddenly found themselves in extraordinary, usually supernatural, situations. The stories would typically end with an ironic twist that would see the guilty punished.
- S4, Ep1 - The Terrible TrioThree rich youths who commit armed robbery for fun are pursued by Batman as their irresponsible hobby escal ates into potentially worse deeds.S4, Ep2 - ShowdownWhile the Dynamic Duo race to stop Ra's Al Ghul from performing a kidnapping, the wild west story of how one of his sons was opposed …
- Atthebeginningof2259,CaptainJohnSheridanreplacesSinclairasthemilitarygovernorofthestation.HeandthecommandstafflearnthatthedeathofPresidentSantiagowasactuallyanassassinationmastermindedbyVicePresidentClark(whoassumedthePresidencyuponSantiago’sdeath).AconflictdevelopsbetweentheBabylon5commandstaffandthePsiCorps,anincreas…
- 约翰·谢里登在穿越银河系寻找回家之路的途中,意外发现自己被传送穿越多个时间线和交错现实。在此过程中,他与一些熟悉的面孔重逢,同时揭示了关于宇宙的历史、目的和意义的宇宙新启示。