搜索 Naná

  • 电影
    A family entangled in a police investigation surrounding the mysterious disappearance of tourists in Kerala.
  • 动漫少女
  • 电视剧青春
    这是关于5个被称为“蕉男”的18岁少年的故事——萌蕉男顾小春(吴俊余 饰),美蕉男冬子(纪亚文 饰),酷蕉男宋博(张晓晨 饰),帅蕉男章楠(关智斌 饰)和骚蕉男柳波(李茂 饰)。站在青春的岔路口上,这5个少年即将升入梦寐以求的大学,展开全新的大学生活和辉煌的人生旅程,然而,他们想到的,首当其冲需要解决的问题竟然是“成为一个真正…
  • Five years ago, a Korean opera singer started a children's choir in a slum in India. Frustrated by the lack of support from the parents of his choir children, he decides to train the parents to sing for a joint concert. But it may be the toughest challenge of his life.
  • 玛蒂尔德在无聊超重的生活中,只有邻居瓦莉娜跟负责丈夫谋杀案的侦探能让她感觉心脏跳动。连番的意外居然让她终结杀手的生命,又开启了她事业第二春 - 用业馀技能当个职业杀手!在学著如何有质感的挥霍这些血汗钱的同时,她得先保护好所爱的人,还有她自己!
  • 尚恩迪龙是一位退休的前MMA格斗手,但运气不好。 不但与妻子离了婚,几乎没有照顾他们的7岁小孩的能力,在财力吃紧及种种生活上的困顿,尚恩不得已与组织在线战斗的地下打斗集团联繫。 来自世界各地的参与者可以通过一个加密的密码连接到该网站观看现场战斗并下注。 这份工作能带来的钱庞大到难以拒绝,尚恩将自己能从谷底翻身的希望全都寄与此…
  • A successful businesswoman, Mackenzie, inherits her beloved aunt's inn, and chooses to restore the hotel to its original grandeur only to sell it right before Christmas. Unbeknownst to Mackenzie, she receives some unexpected help from a team of elves headed by the cheerful Clementine, who helps Mackenzie rediscover the…
  • 《午夜嚎叫》(Midnight Story)讲述的是,深夜,母亲全然不顾女儿的害怕,在床边用平板电脑看着一部恐怖漫画。直到门外的摔碎声,让母亲放下手中的平板,去迎接丈夫的归来。
  • The filmmaker retraces her grandmother's Auschwitz survival story and investigates how her life-long fight against intolerance can be passed on to new generations in the 21st century.