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  • 电影生活
  • Desentierros. Los libros que no heredamos
    Unearthing. The Books We Didn't Inherit delves into the family memory of María Julia Blanco, the film's director. The exhumation of her father's student library, recovered in 2018, is the starting point. Julia guides us through the provinc…
  • Kökleri Dışarıda
    A disconnected filmmaker starts believing that the cause of his deep restlessness is the call of his homeland, where he is a stranger by birth. He sets off on a journey back to his roots, seeking to reconcile his present reality with the depths of his ancestral past. Guided by an inner longing, he traverses rugged land…
  • 电视剧
  • 强盗头子“尖刀”麦基与波莉姑娘一见钟情、私定终身,气坏了波莉的爸爸、全城乞丐的保护商皮彻姆。皮彻姆向警方检举麦基诱拐妇女,并命令乞丐们大闹女王加冕典礼现场,以此胁迫跟麦基颇有交情的警察局长尽早处死麦基。麦基、波莉和强盗兄弟们各有算盘,但都不愿善罢甘休,由此掀起轩然大波……作为戏剧与音乐完美结合的艺术典范,德国戏剧家贝尔…
  • A look at five pioneers of electronic musicRicardo VillalobosSonja MoonearAtaRoman FlügelDavid Moufang/Move DIn between eloquent thoughts from the musicians in interviews, quiet observations of them at work at their DJ home, and images of …
  • Devin's struggles between an office job he hates and a pitiful career as an actor get worse when his beautiful twenty-something girlfriend Jasmine decides to stop hoping he could ever turn into serious 'relationship material'. She seizes the opportunity to try new experiences but soon her reckless single life induces J…
  • 核实历史In AMERICA UNEARTHED, forensic geologist Scott Wolter, will try to reveal that the history we all learned in school may not always be the whole story. Across the country, ancient symbols, religious relics and unexplained artifacts sug…