搜索 Octavian

  • 希尔维娅从布加勒斯特农学院毕业,她不想去农村当农艺师,一心想留在首都工作,想通过“形式”上的结婚来搞到一张布加勒斯特的居民证。干是希尔维娅和女友埃尔维拉商量,如果有哪个持布加勒斯特居民证的小伙子愿和她假结婚,她情愿付给他一万列依。出租汽车司机拉杜毛遂自荐,答应扮演这个角色。因为他驾车出了事故,被罚了款,正需要这笔钱。于…
  • 11 out of 11 people found the following comment useful:-One of the best comedies ever!, 10 July 2005Author: Ana_Banana from RomaniaThis is one of my favorite movies! I am not tired of watching it again, yet. It definitely deserves to be promoted worldwide (anyway, after repairing its technical flaws). The delight is co…
  • This film dwells on a Papuan teenage boy (Arnold, 15 years), who meets a woman at the port and is obsessed by a desire to kiss her. At the same time, his father (Bertold, 41 years), an activist and a cassowary dance instructor, is being hunted down by some unknown people because of his political activities to demand ju…
  • 本片是罗曼警长系列片的其中一部,其余两部为《清白的手》和《最后一颗子弹》。影片描写1948年春,罗马尼亚警方剿灭一股以“白泥鳅”为首的土匪的经历。