- 该片是电影《Get Smart》的番外篇,影片中的剧情将和《Get Smart》有所交错,而且将加入《Get Smart》的删减片段。影片主要讲述的是冈正顺所扮演的"Control"侦探事务所技术员和内特·特罗伦斯所扮演的一个傻乎乎的分析员的故事...
- A family driving through a small town gets lost and winds up at a backwoods shack managed by Torgo, who takes care of it while The Master is away. The Master worships Manos, an evil deity, and he also wears a neat cape. When Torgo lets the family stay, The Master awakens and does mean stuff like burning off Torgo's han…
- 电影讲述了一组巫婆猎人如何追踪一个名叫伊丽莎白德克斯特的巫婆。你是萨金特的手下,你感到愤怒,并且相信别人不喜欢这样的愤怒。外星人绑架了你的狗,他们要付出代价,武装起来,带上唯一信赖的宝剑,展开史诗般的冒险。