搜索 Pörzgen

  • Late summer in Berlin. The city is pulsating and friends Fabian, Bene, and Richard are wandering aimlessly through the big urban jungle. Against Fabian's quiet protest, the friends ridicule outsider Jakob. The aggression escalates when one night the boys make their way into Jakob's room and bully Borschwitz lights Jako…
  • 保罗、贝尔尼和马克思并不是学校里最酷的人,也因此他们与女生的交往并不成功。对于这一切他们想在去布拉格的结课旅行中做出改变。但是噩耗传来:保罗一口答应尤丽照顾她患有自闭症的弟弟马格努斯。三人并没有因此改变原本的打算,他们拉上马格努斯坐进了一辆老式加长豪车开始享受布拉格的夜生活。可惜好景不长,这些小家伙们不久就闯了祸。而布…