搜索 Paderewski

  • 钢琴素来享有“乐器之王”的美誉,它的演进随着历史、社会与科技的发展,历经多重转折。钢琴家同样也在时代的洪流里不断的变换样貌,无论是十九世纪的英雄、二十世纪的明星,钢琴家所扮演的角色,多少反映各年代所崇尚的价值。然而真正历久不衰的,是在钢琴的黄金年代里,大师们的风范与精神。美国钢琴 专家大卫·杜巴尔(David Dubal)详尽且专…
  • The Art of the Piano is a feature-length, 106-minute documentary that presents in refreshingly straightforward fashion a portrait of 20th-century piano playing. The format is simple: short segments on virtually all of the great pianists who have ever been captured on film, augmented by extracts from interviews, sometim…