- Synopsis In Palmi, a small town in Calabria, Don Vincenzo, a brilliant and retired farmer, gets the crazy idea to revive the local football team. He organizes a bizarre fundraising campaign to recruit Etienne Morville, a Serie A player, with a difficult temper, but among the strongest in the world. Although he’s reluc…
- Following the events of Halloween Resurrection and the death of Emma's father (John Tate), Emma and her friends take a road trip to Haddonfield to uncover family secrets that her Father kept hidden to protect her. What or who was he hiding her from?
- It was ELP’s first proper live concert, their only previous gig having been a warm up in Plymouth the previous night. Playing in front of 600,000 people, at what remains the biggest festival in rock history, they became overnight stars wit…
- Friends Harry and Allie take friend Adam to a abandoned turnpike tunnel that locals say is haunted. Once inside the tunnel the Adam realizes that the local legends are true which have murderous consequences.
- It's Christmas time in Cleveland, Ohio and four young ladies are on the verge of completing their mandatory thirty days of community service. With only one night to go, they are required to make a series of in-home visits to the older and less fortunate. Upon arriving at their final stop for the night, they become intr…
- This autobiographical film about the most important and influential composer of the 20th century includes documents, photographs and film never seen publicly before. Stravinsky's three surviving children talk about their father and there are contributions from the late Madame Vera Stravinsky, his music associate Robert…