搜索 Pembé

  • 根据大卫·威廉姆斯(David Walliams)所著的畅销童书改编。臭臭先生是一名浑身散发臭气的流浪汉。克洛伊是一个普通得不能再普通的小女孩,家里有一个妻管严的爸爸、一个充满政治野心的妈妈和一个处处都更“优秀”的妹妹。每天上学的路上,克洛伊都会见到臭臭先生和他的小狗,但从未同他们打过交道。直到有一天,臭臭先生要被赶出这座城市,克洛…
  • A web series centered around a high school student with a double life as a teenage spy.
  • Memo returns from Germany to get married with his love but his fathers killer Sulo is being released from jail. As a village rule he has to get revenge for his fahter or he can not get married but he doesn't want to kill so they stage a fake death with Sulo and after that his luck runs out.
  • A young pregnant woman arrives in New York City from Russia seeking her boyfriend and finds herself abandoned and living with his friend - a trip-hop D.J. Her mind drifts into her past when she was coming of age in a coal mining town in Russia. As relationships in New York develop along side her memories, her storytell…
  • 《21世纪资本论》改编自我们这个时代最具开创性和影响力的书籍之一,是一次令人大开眼界的财富和权力之旅,打破了资本积累与社会进步并驾齐驱的流行假设,并对我们周围的世界及其日益严重的不平等现象发出了新的光芒。导演贾斯汀-彭伯顿穿越时空,从法国大革命和其他巨大的全球转变,到世界大战和今天新技术的崛起,他将易懂的流行文化参考资料…
  • 一个钢琴家在船上出生并长大的故事。
  • 维生素,又称维他命,适量摄取可保持身体健康,而过量则会中毒。维生素已成为价值千亿美元的产业,Derek Muller博士讲述维生素的科学和历史,以及怎样合理摄取。Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed b…