搜索 Petz

  • Cassette inventor Lou Ottens digs through his past to figure out why the audiotape won't die. Rock veterans like Henry Rollins, Thurston Moore, and Ian MacKaye join a legion of young bands releasing music on tape to push Lou along on his journey to remember.
  • The film is based on real events. At the end of the seventies of the previous century the fights against the Sioux were over, and the US-Army started putting the Indian tribes living to the West of the Rocky Mountains into reservations. Among those tribes was the peaceful hunter and fisher tribe of the Nez Perces. The …
  • based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes." Hans and Kumpan repeatedly try to enter a town surrounded by a tall, impenetrable wall, where everyone is apparently very happy. When they finally make it inside, the tyrannical emperor demands they make him new clothes that would 'bring all crea…
  • 导演:Nikolaus Geyrhalter获奖:2005年阿姆斯特丹国际记录片电影节评审团特别奖2006年欧洲电影奖提名最佳记录片2007年法国《电影手册》评分-4颗星(满分)介绍:奥地利导演Nikolaus Geyrhalter用了2年时间,辗转于欧洲各国的大食品生产基地和工厂,拍摄了这部影片。他向我们展示了一个日常生活背面的关于食物的世界,在欧洲高度现代化的农业和…
  • 约什自已创办了一个武馆,闲时教一群小孩练武。一天,姐姐托他照顾侄女丽莎,但突然有两个不速之客来武馆捣乱,约什一不留意不见了丽莎,他一路追出去,发现丽莎进了一间银行。约什进去后却发现一群匪徒劫持了大厦里一批富翁......
  • 无所畏惧,充满欢笑。鲨鱼船长和他活泼的船员们开始了令人兴奋和恐惧的冒险,在那里他们了解到,除了成为最可怕的海盗之外,还有更重要的事情——成为一个好朋友。