搜索 Piret

  • 本片由三个章节组成。《杀手》的故事发生在一百多年前。主角玛拉是个年轻的新娘,即将在新的家庭开始生活。《处女》的背景设定在1949 年春天,讲述了一个名叫伊琳娜的年轻女子的故事,她在二战中从因格里亚被驱逐到爱沙尼亚。《影子》设定在当代,介于现实生活和幻想之间。主角露娜·李决定逃离家乡。但是何处可以寻得空虚以外的东西?三个短篇…
  • Surprised by rain and sudden darkness Laura and Roland, a young couple hitch-hiking on an empty road, decide to seek shelter at a nearby country house. Osvald, the owner, seems to know the deeper meaning of their unexpected visit. His strange behaviour leads to an equally strange offer: Osvald wants to buy Roland's wif…
  • SoulBird