- 这是一处远离城市喧嚣的所在。潮水一阵阵推上岸来,四周放眼望去,怪石林立,苍凉凄寒。鸥鸟在空中歌唱,如泣如诉。镜头慢慢转过来,岸边有一座颇显破败的小木屋。木屋内摆放着一张斑驳的书桌。突然,抽屉自动打开,内里的隔断仿佛电视屏幕,播放着男女相知相恋的故事。而画面外响起的音乐和歌声,为那段浪漫而悲哀的故事做着说明和注脚。在爱情…
- About two teen rivals; Victoria and Eric, who with the help of best friend, Charlie, and 12 year old genius, Laney, come together and make the morning announcements into a show.
- After meeting for the first time following their mother's death, the very different Karlsson twins experience a series of enlightening mix-ups.